Jing is the Project and Knowledge Exchange Lead for the Agricultural Resilience Impact and Innovation Hub (AGRIIH), supported by the Strategic Innovation Fund. Jing fosters industry partnerships to drive interdisciplinary research and innovation that enhances agricultural resilience. She is also a postdoctoral researcher in the Food Systems Transformations Group at the Environmental Change Institute, where she is contributing to the Co-Centre for Sustainable Food Systems project. Previously, Jing worked within the Food Systems Group on a UKRI-funded BeanMeals project, which assessed the health, environmental, and enterprise impacts of scaling-up UK-grown beans in healthy meals, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Skills and expertise:
Food system resilience from an actor-based perspective - examining how individual and collective actions influence systemic resilience in dynamic contexts
Metric-based assessments - evaluating the health, environmental, social, and economic impacts and trade-offs of transformative food system practices and innovations
Identifying barriers and opportunities for food system transformation - analysing challenges and pathways for change across organisational, industrial, institutional, and geographical levels