A menu for change: Using behavioural science to promote sustainable diets around the world

A Menu for Change a report by the Behavioural Insights Team
Using behavioural science to promote sustainable diets around the world
Date posted: 30 January 2020
The environmental cost of our agricultural system has recently, but quite rapidly, begun to enter mainstream debate. Yet, no ambitious sustainable food policies have so far been implemented by any government. And although national diets do constantly change, intentionally guiding those changes will be difficult, even with the combined tools of policy-makers, marketers, campaigners, suppliers and producers. Such an effort also raises questions of ethics and personal sovereignty over our lifestyle choices. These concerns are more acute with food than many other consumer choices because food is so personal, and so enshrined in tradition and identity. It clearly takes a degree of political bravery to propose the bold policies that might be necessary
In this report, the Bahvioural Insights Team, a group who work with governments, local authorities, businesses and charities to tackle major policy problems, make the case for a global shift towards more sustainable and healthier diets. Using the latest and most well-evidenced behavioural science, they outline 12 strategies for promoting sustainable diets. Each strategy offers a route through which governments, retailers, producers, restaurants, campaigners and consumers can help deliver a more sustainable food system.